CFAHR has developed 'Research Bites' designed to support clinicians to develop their research skills. Each 'bite' is short (5-10 minutes) and has been written with allied-health clinicians as the target audience. We would like to thank and acknowledge the following researchers who contributed to the development of these research bites including Professor Liz Ward, Dr Laurelie Wishart, Dr Bena Brown, Dr Emma Finch, Dr Elise Gane, Dr Caitlin Brandenburg, Dr Simon Finnigan, Dr Megan Rattray and Madeline Raatz.
Introduction to quantitative research on Vimeo.
Introduction to qualitative research on Vimeo.
Debunking research terms on Vimeo.
Authorship on Vimeo.
Authorship Memorandum of Understanding Template (DOC, 432.5 KB)
National Health and Medical Research Council (2019) Authorship: A guide for aupporting the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
Developing a research question on Vimeo.
Critically appraising available evidence on Vimeo.
Choosing the right research methodology_Part 1 on Vimeo.
Choosing the right research methodology_Part 2 on Vimeo.
Introduction to consumer partnering for research on Vimeo.
Introduction to research for consumers on Vimeo.
How can consumers become involved in research on Vimeo.
Determining when and how to involve consumers in research on Vimeo.
Choosing who to partner with and where to find consumers on Vimeo.
Practical considerations and strategies for partnering with consumers on Vimeo.
Module transcripts
Applying for grants Top - 5 Tips on Vimeo.
Introduction to research ethics approval on Vimeo.
Obtaining ethics approval in Metro South Health on Vimeo.
How to write a participant information and consent form on Vimeo.
Seeking statistics support on Vimeo.
How to write a conference abstract on Vimeo.
How to prepare a conference presentation on Vimeo.
Preparing a manuscript for submission on Vimeo.
Finding a research mentor on Vimeo.
What is involved in a RHD on Vimeo.
Balancing research, clinical work and an RHD - advice from an experienced researcher on Vimeo.
Balancing research, clinical work and an RHD - advice from a clinician on Vimeo.
Experiences from MSH who have undertaken RHD on Vimeo.